Monday, February 23, 2015

Modular Everything

Modular Everything

It's no secret that Google's ATAP is making modular phones. And as of very recently the OLPC group is going to be making modular laptops for schools.  So what is next? Will we see modular appliances? Or maybe modular home appliances?

Some of these things already exist.  GM proposed the modular car back in 2005, but I haven't seem them begin making them. Sure many of their vehicles share parts, that's just common business sense. But what manufacturer actually makes vehicles that the consumer can get generic parts for, outside of accessories?

Alas, not everything lends itself easily to modularity.  While desktop computers became modular, and to some extent laptops are too, there's are few de facto standards for swapping parts between devices that would otherwise be left out of the part-swapping ideal.

Modular Appliances

I'd like to see a modular touch-screen device that can be swapped between my Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Dryer, Washer, Oven, or Microwave. It could be between the same manufacturer, but I want to be able to swap it in from another appliance, in the case that one breaks.   I'd like to see my DVR act more like the desktop computer that it is, allowing me to easily upgrade the processor, memory, or storage drive.  I'd like my TV to offer the same computer upgrade options as the supposed DVR changes.

Are these Mad Tech Ideas or is are they just in the making?

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